Friday, July 5, 2013

My Take on Drive Throughs and Car Washes

     Have you ever been to a drive through at a fast food restaurant and been completely unsure of what you're ordering? I know I have. I would love to sit there and peruse the menu comparing prices, gluten-free foods, and dessert options, but you literally have 2.3 seconds before a cheery voice comes over the intercom and asks, "Do you want to try our new greasy combo meal for $5.99?" 
     I always say "no" to those sales gimmicks as a rule even if I might have eaten them otherwise. Then comes the big question. "What would you like to order?" 
     Ahhhh! I always know this moment is coming, but I'm never quite prepared. Sometimes, I just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind even if it's completely different than what I thought I would get initially. Other times, I waver back and forth until I feel the impatience of the employee and the anger of the people in the car behind me. I hate that pressure, so I usually cave and order something stupid. Like ice cream. Come to think of it, that's not stupid at all...

     Car washes. Where do I begin? 

     I'll start with some advice. Never wash your car in below freezing temperatures and try to wipe it off with towels before it cakes over with ice because it doesn't work. You also are being a bad advertisement for the car wash company because some other person might drive up to wash their vehicle, see you struggling with the ice, and decide to leave. It's not that I've ever done anything like that, it's just a good piece of advice to keep tucked away for the future. 

     Always have a plan BEFORE you put your quarters in the little car wash machine. Figuring out what button does what wastes precious seconds once they start counting down. I mean, if you don't read it and figure it out before, you might not figure out how the sprayer works until your time is over halfway done, and then you'll end up with soup suds all over your car and have to put in more quarters or drive away with soap flying everywhere. I've never done that either, but I'm thinking of these things to help you all out. 

     It's always a good idea to go to the car wash when you know there is an attendant there because they can make change for you when all you have is a ten dollar bill, and they might even give you an extra few minutes of water pressure to get all the soap off your car if you look pitiful enough. Of course, I haven't needed any of that, but some of you might. 

     I hope all of this advice has been helpful, and that none of you will make these mistakes because I sure didn't!